Monday, February 7, 2011

Winter at the Beach

    Weatherwise it's not all that great in Nags Head right now but it's warmer than Charm City and snowless so it's nice to be here.  Uncle Jack and Mrs. U.J. arrived in the rain and fog on Saturday, enjoyed a sunny day yesterday and are coping with an 80% chance of rain today.  Who knows what tomorrow may bring in addition to Uncle Jack's trip to the dentist to have an errant crown replaced. In the meantime "Let them eat soup" as the French lady once said. (The crown fell off while he was sleeping but with the grace of the Good Fairy he didn't swallow it),
     He and Mrs. U.J. will be busy for the next week getting their Nags Head house ready for rental this summer.  They have had a wonderful year-round tenant for the past couple of years but hated not being able to use the house whenever they wanted to during the off season.  Uncle Jack is working on a descriptive website for the house but in the meantime if you are interested in a moderately priced rental just a block from the ocean (one mile south of Jennette's pier in upper South Nags Head) please let him know by emailing to
and he will be happy to tell you all about it.
    The Super Bowl (except for the half-time nonsense) was enjoyable and a win-win contest for Uncle Jack.  He is a Cheesehead by birth so he was happy the Packers prevailed but he lived in Pittsburgh during the Steelers' glory years so he wouldn't have minded if they had pulled it out at the last second in true Steeler fashion.  Next year it's the Ravens for sure, right after the Orioles clinch the World Series.
     Here's another hoary offering from the archive for all the unemployed persons who have plenty of time to read these days for which Uncle Jack is truly sorry.  He wishes he could offer you a job instead but he doesn't even have one himself anymore.


                                                         Proud to be a Quitter

   Uncle Jack read in the paper where Americans are smoking fewer cigarettes than ever before which makes him very happy but he finds it hard to believe when he sees all the cigarette butts in his parking lot every day. It seems like most of the people who are still smoking still think the world is their ashtray just like Uncle Jack did when he was a smoker.
   The paper said that even though the cigarette companies spend over a billion dollars a year on advertising they have only managed to hook about one out of every three grown-ups on cigarettes. That is pretty amazing when you consider how many of those dollars are aimed at trying to convince children that they are never going to amount to much if they do not have at least one cigarette going at all times.
   Most of the people who don't smoke must have a hard time understanding why smokers smoke when even the dumb smokers who never finished high school must have heard by now that smoking is bad for their health.
   Some of the non-smokers probably tried to learn how to smoke when they were young but it made them sick right off the bat instead of having to wait thirty years to get lung cancer. They were lucky.
   Uncle Jack does not smoke but it isn't hard for him to understand why people do smoke even though they know it makes them cough and it stinks up their clothes and it is costing them a fortune.Uncle Jack knows why they smoke because a long time ago he used to smoke, too, and he can still remember what it was like. For ten years he started every day with a cigarette and ended every day with a cigarette and in between he smoked at least twenty more, two or three of which he really enjoyed.
   This is not something Uncle Jack is proud of. It is not easy to admit that he was a slave but for ten years Uncle Jack belonged to the Marlboro Man. He crawled along in the dust  behind the Marlboro Man all those years and the Marlboro Man would never even let him ride his horse, much less introduce him to any pretty girls.
     One day Uncle Jack really got fed up with the Marlboro Man and he decided he would never smoke a cigarette again. He knows exactly when this was because it was on the very day his only begotten son was born. (Uncle Jack has always had a flair for the dramatic).
   Actually Uncle Jack had tried to quit smoking many times before but the Marlboro Man wouldn't let him. This time, though, Uncle Jack had help from Bob Newhart.
   Back in the old days before he got rich and famous doing TV sitcoms Bob Newhart was a stand-up comedian who did funny skits where he would pretend he was talking on the phone to somebody. In one of those skits he pretended to be a high pressure salesman in England who was talking to Sir Walter Raleigh.
   Raleigh has just discovered tobacco in America and he is trying to convince this salesman that there is big money to be made in something called "cigarettes". He tries to describe over the phone what tobacco is and how you make cigarettes and what you are supposed to do with them and it goes something like this:
   "So you take this weed and you let it dry out and then you crumble it up and wrap it in a little paper tube," the salesman says. "O.K. Walt, baby, I follow you so far but then what?"
   "You put the little tube of tobacco in your mouth and set fire to it?" he says, beginning to laugh uncontrollably. After he recovers he says, "And then what do you do, Walt?"
   "You the smoke into your lungs?!! Walt, baby, you've got to be kidding!!"
   Anyway Uncle Jack has not smoked a cigarette since November 2, l96l and he cannot even begin to figure out how much money he has not spent on cigarettes in that time but it must have
been enough to pay for all the bourbon he has consumed in the same period. We are talking real money here.
   He would like to conclude by saying that he would be happy to serve as an inspiration to anybody who would would like to quit smoking but doesn't think he can. If somebody as inherently spineless as Uncle Jack can quit, he is sure that anybody can.
   And if all else fails he will let you borrow his Bob Newhart record.

Looking north toward Jennette's Pier from Whitecap Street Saturday afternoon February 5.

                                  Same view 24 hours later.  What a difference a day makes.

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